
Note: We have not downloaded or used any of these Buffy wallpapers, themes, fonts, or programs. We are only providing this list as an informational directory for our fellow “Buffy” fans. Download and use these items at your own risk to your computer. If you know any more we can list, let us know at sjscworldwide (at) gmail.com!

We also have “Buffy” pictures, GIFs, and art resources.


buffy themes wallpaper fonts

If are a fan of the early seasons of “Buffy,” then this might be the wallpaper for your desktop or laptop computer. It shows classic images of Sarah Michelle Gellar before she became, shall we say, skinnier, and the show became less cute and more dark. (Information and download)

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

We liked this one because it shows a wallpaper that leaves enough room so that desktop shortcuts can be placed on the left and thereby not cover any of the images or the “Buffy” logo. (Information and download)

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

If you like the post-television show Season 8 and Season 9, then you will love the cartoon version of “Buffy.” What do you think she and the Scoobies are up to after Sunnydale? (Information and download)

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

Personally, we like Season 3 the best — Faith is our second-favorite slayer, the Mayor is our favorite Big Bad, and the way that the gang bid farewell to Sunnydale High was, um, explosive. Here’s a wallpaper devoted to the two-part season finale. (Information and download)

More wallpapers are available here.

Themes and Fonts

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

If you would like to revamp — yes, we know, feel free to groan at the pun — your computer or smartphone, then you may want to use these fonts and related items. A different color scheme is here.

Another theme has various icons, sound effects, and cursors from which people can choose.

Other collections of themes are here and here.

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

This is a Sarah Michelle Gellar theme for a PC or mobile device.

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

This is another for smartphones.

Buffy Solitaire

buffy themes wallpaper fonts

Bored at work? You may not be able to watch “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” — but you can play it! This game of solitaire has pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar, various backgrounds, and sounds from the show as well.


buffy themes wallpaper fonts

Love Sarah Michelle Gellar? Download this screensaver that rotates between various pictures of our favorite slayer. The program has various options including “Sticky Notes,” transition options, image showing in different order, display time, and resizing options.

Other Programs

We could not find a lot of information about these two programs, but you might want to give them a try. Let us know if you like them!

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