
Buffyvote 2012 — Spuffy vs. Bangel

Sick of the U.S. election? We’re announcing Buffyvote 2012 instead! Who do you like better: Spuffy or Bangel? You can participate at our Facebook page, at the bottom of this post, or in both places! Here, list your vote and reason in the comments, and then share this page with your friends! We think this election will be close too.

spuffy vs. bangel

List your vote and reason below in the comments (and at our Facebook page!) and then share, retweet, and let your friends know!

Samuel Scott is the founder and publisher of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Online. You can follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter as well as on his personal website.

3 replies on “Buffyvote 2012 — Spuffy vs. Bangel”

Spuffy all the way! Spike took his soul back for her, plus he love her with and without it. And come on they are so sexy, fun and romantic together. Bangel was boring..

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